Hello Ottawa!

Ms Soapbox is on her way to Ottawa.  There’s a good chance she’s in the air right now squashed into a tiny little seat trying to figure out why her WestJet onboard entertainment app isn’t working (luckily, she’s brought along her youngest daughter “Mini” who will fix the glitch in no time).

We’re going to check out the Parliament Buildings, Centre Block, which is about to undergo a major renovation.  Everything from the heritage stone exterior to the copper roof and building systems is due for an upgrade.  Technology, security and earthquake protection (earthquake protection?) are also being improved.


Parliament Buildings in the summer (not November!)

Our MP Kent Hehr helped us get tour tickets and Question Period passes.  We’re delighted because we’re sure QP in the nation’s capital is a more civilized affair than QP here in Alberta (that is really hard to say with a straight face).

We will be visiting as many museums and art galleries as we can; if you know of a special place you think we should see, let us know.

Talk to you next week!

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21 Responses to Hello Ottawa!

  1. Sounds wonderful! Have fun! (Get the dirt on those politicians!)

    • Linda, we attended Question Period today. The Conservative Opposition was even ruder than the Alberta UCP Opposition, yelling over the Liberal MPs to the point where we couldn’t hear anything. The Speaker called for civility but to no avail. These guys could learn a lot from high school debating clubs.

  2. Valerie Jobson says:

    Museum of Canadian History – I saw it years ago, but probably worth a look.
    The Central Experimental Farm – I haven’t seen it but would like to.

  3. G Birmingham says:

    The Peace Tower memorial chamber and the stone carvings around the outside of the Peace Tower. Generally, all around Parliament Hill, inside and out, is fascinating.

  4. Jane Walker says:

    A favourite spot .. can walk everywhere and have lots to learn and enjoy!! Hope you have terrific weather .. then you are on your way! 🍀🍁 Looking forward to your blog on return.

    • Jane the weather was cool and drizzly but the sights were incredible. We went on a tour of the Centre Block and learned about the architects who carved their own faces into the stone trim around the foyer and the wood workers who carved the logo of the Ottawa Senators into the wood trim in the Senate after the hockey team won the Stanley Cup. No one caught on because they did their work at night after everyone had gone home. I love human nature!

  5. Dwayne says:

    Susan: Ottawa sounds cool. My connection to it, is through marriage, I have family there. A relative of mine married someone who has family there. Also, in 2017, Justin Trudeau announced Canada’s newest astronauts. One of them is my relative. I have met Kent Hehr before. He seemed nice. When my Twitter was up, (it’s still unaccessable for me), he and I followed each other. Question Period in Ottawa is still quite intense. It’s like the Jerry Springer show. Hope you have a safe journey there and have fun.

    • Dwayne how cool that one of your relatives is an astronaut! We met with Kent Hehr today after Question Period. We talked about how many things including how the federal Liberals were doing and our challenges here in Alberta with the UCP. It was a great meeting. He was very generous with his time.

      • Dwayne says:

        Nice. I saw Kent Hehr when he was a Liberal MLA. He was going by the Alberta Legislature. He was nice. I also have other family in Ontario. I want to go there.

  6. Trudy Grebenstein says:

    Walk the Byward Market.

    From Trudy Grebenstein’s iPhone 1-780-914-8673


    • Trudy we got a chance to visit Byward Market this morning. The weather was cool and drizzly and yet the place was magical. We stopped in at Le Moulin de Provence bakery (which made Obama cookies when Obama came for a visit) and the Librarie du Soleil which sold wonderful things like Astrix and Tin Tin stuff. The stalls were just setting up so we’ll have to go back again in a day or so to get the full effect.

  7. Don Andersen says:

    We were here during Canada 150 – wonderful.

    And for a taste of Canadian aviation history, this was worth the visit.


    Have fun.

  8. J.E. Molnar says:

    “Cafe Spiga”…was my favourite pasta restaurant in the Byward Market (if it’s still open). Eat, shop, enjoy Ms Soapbox!

  9. jerrymacgp says:

    I’ve had a number of occasions to visit Ottawa over the past couple of years as a former Board member of the Canadian Nurses Association. Sadly, due to Board business and tight travel schedules I had very limited time for sightseeing, but I did manage to get to the War Museum, as well as checking out the Museum of Canadian History from the outside (it was closed when I went, but I was there mainly to see the architecture).

    The History Museum was designed by Slave Lake, Alberta’s own Douglas Cardinal, who also designed the St Albert Public Library and the Grande Prairie Regional College where I live. I was particularly struck by how the view between the Museum’s exhibit building and curatorial building so precisely and elegantly frames the view of the Centre Block of Parliament Hill across the river, with the spectacular Library of Parliament as the centrepiece. Pretty impressive!

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