Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

The politicians are on break (thank god) and so are we.

The Soapbox family and Rudy the rescue dog would like to wish you and yours a peaceful and happy holiday.   

Those of you with a discerning eye will notice Rudy the rescue dog is plumper and furrier this year. But then again, aren’t we all.

See you next year!  

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51 Responses to Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  1. susan palmer says:

    Happy holidays to you and Roy and the family!
    Thanks so much for your blog Susan – it’s one of the ways I keep informed about what’s really happening in Alberta these days.

    • Susan, thank you. I must admit Roy and I are giving serious consideration to joining you and our other friends who have moved to BC. The thought of saying good-bye to our inept premier and the people who support him becomes more attractive with each passing day.
      Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday!

  2. Liane Sharkey says:

    I wish Rudy and Nora could get together, as I wish we could too! All our wishes for you and Roy and the wee Miss Soapboxes to have a Merry Christmas and a very happy, HEALTHY New Year!

    • Happy Hanukkah Liane to you and your family!
      It would be lovely to see you again, we had hoped to get out your way this summer but Covid-19 put paid to that idea.
      I smiled when you mentioned Nora. Rudy is freaking out right now because there’s a bobcat loose in our neighbourhood. Darn thing is twice his size and moves like greased lightning. Keeps leaving bits of squirrels and birds in our yard. I don’t know what Rudy would make of the bobcat’s slightly smaller feline relative, your little Nora.
      Stay safe and hopefully we’ll see you next summer!

  3. Paula says:

    I wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas, a safe and healthy Christmas!

  4. Judy MacDonald says:

    Here’s to a healthy and less strange year in 2021 to you and your family and all your followers.

    • Judy, you nailed with with your comment “a less strange year in 2021”. It’s hard to imagine any year being worse than 2020. So for the next couple of weeks we’ll rest, regroup, and get ready to barrel out of the gate ready for anything 2021 throws at us. Happy holidays to you and yours!

  5. Public Servant says:

    Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year to you and your family!

  6. Carlos says:

    Wow Rudy looks so good – I am so happy for him and you for having rescued him.
    Dogs are way more important to us than we think.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family and hopefully we will all have a 2021 way better than 2020 the year I thought it was going to be especial for me as I was born on the 20th. Unfortunately it was quite a disaster for most of us and for me.
    Congratulations for continuing to be the best real blog in Alberta and I am sorry if I got out of line sometimes. I still have passion for this province despite believing that it has been so mismanaged in the last few decades.

    • Thank you Carlos. Rudy is a funny looking little dog with a gentle personality. I wish more people could be like him.
      Thank you for your contribution to the blog. I enjoy reading your comments and am surprised at the number of times you raise a topic tangentially that I’ve been thinking about for a future blog.
      I sincerely hope you have a peaceful holiday and have an opportunity to rest before we hit 2021 full steam.
      Take care!

  7. mikegklein says:

    Merry Christmas Rudy! Don’t pay attention to your humans, the whole turkey is yours without a care. Oh, Merry Christmas to your humans! Seriously.

    On Sun, Dec 20, 2020 at 17:33 Susan on the Soapbox wrote:

    > susanonthesoapbox posted: ” The politicians are on break (thank god) and > so are we. The Soapbox family and Rudy the rescue dog would like to wish > you and yours a peaceful and happy holiday. Those of you with a > discerning eye will notice Rudy the rescue dog i” >

    • Mike, your comment made me smile. Poor Rudy would explode if he ate the whole turkey, but I’m sure that wouldn’t stop him from trying.
      I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. I enjoy reading your comments here and in other forums. We have our work cut out for us in 2021, but for the next few weeks we can hunker down in front of the fire, play scrabble and do a whole lot of nothing for a while.

  8. Rudy is sooooo cute. Happy holidays to you and your family. Please please stay healthy.

  9. Sharon says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and the Soapbox family. I have looked forward to your posts and have shared them widely with friends. Your words and those in the comments section have restored my faith that there are many like-minded Albertans who will keep working toward a province that is for all of us not just Premier Pinocchio and his UCPosse.

    • jane walker says:

      Sharon has said it all! You are the lighthouse in this horrible squall. Have a great r&r; we’ll be here with you on your return!

    • Thank you so much Sharon and Jane. As you both said, there are many of us here in Alberta who are looking forward to a change in government. We’ll continue to work at it and make it happen in 2023.
      Take care and I’ll see you in 2021. 🙂

  10. papajaxn says:

    The sounds of hope,peace,joy ,love seem to be louder emerging from the land of the Yellow Headed Trumpeter as it falls out of grace and into the swamp of oblivion!

    Seasons greetings to all of this community!! bj

    On Sun., Dec. 20, 2020, 5:33 p.m. Susan on the Soapbox, wrote:

    > susanonthesoapbox posted: ” The politicians are on break (thank god) and > so are we. The Soapbox family and Rudy the rescue dog would like to wish > you and yours a peaceful and happy holiday. Those of you with a > discerning eye will notice Rudy the rescue dog i” >

    • “The Yellow Headed Trumpeter” I love it papajaxn. I see that even some of his die-hard supporters are finally starting to turn on him. Better late than never I guess. I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas.
      And stay safe!

  11. Dwayne says:

    Susan: I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year. Thank you so much for your great blogs. I’m looking forward to more of your great blogs in the new year.

  12. Dwayne says:

    Susan: As concerts are cancelled, I’ll be listening to some great Christmas music, including from our own great Canadian artists, from Alberta, and across Canada. I’ve seen many great Christmas concerts over the years, including from Jann Arden, Paul Brandt, Serena Ryder, the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, and many others. Canada has some great musical talent, and that’s one thing we can also be proud of.

    • Dwayne, thank you for reminding us of our own great Canadian artists. Now more than ever we need to support Canadian talent across all venues. We are a remarkable country, we should never forget that.
      Have a Merry Christmas. Talk to you in the new year.

  13. jerrymacgp says:

    Merry Christmas, Ms Soapbox. Looking forward to a much brighter year in 2021. And Rudy looks like a barrel of fun :-).

    • Jerrymacgp: I hope you and your family will have a wonderful Christmas as well. And yes, Rudy is a barrel, in every sense of the word. My daughter will kill me for suggesting he’s tubby, let’s just say he’s adding a layer of “extra protection” to make it through the winter 🙂

  14. Claudette Whiting says:

    Thank you Susan for your voice of sanity in this beleaguered province . I always look forward to your clear, informed and even discourse on vital issues.
    Wishing you and your family peace and joy throughout the holiday season.

    • Thank you Claudette. It’s knowing there are people out there like you that encourages me and others to continue to fight for a better future for Alberta. Take care, stay safe and have a wonderful holiday!

  15. Zarina Kassam says:

    Hello Susan Merry Christmas to you all as well. Have a great holiday season a little different and difficult under the circumstances! Regards Z

    Sent from my iPhone


    • Zarina, how nice to hear from you!. Our family wishes you and your family a wonderful holiday. I’m really looking forward to catching up with you over lunch one day. Until then, take care and stay safe.

  16. JCurrie says:

    Merry Christmas to the Soapbox family including Rudy. Being a newcomer to AB and finding the politics more difficult than I imagined, especially with COVID, it is heartwarming and hopeful to read your blog and the comments of many fine Albertans. Thank you! Stay safe over the holidays – we need you!

    • JCurrie, I’m so glad you found us! As you so diplomatically put it, politics in Alberta is “more difficult” than most of us would like. This is a strange place indeed. I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas and I look forward to chatting with you in 2021.
      Take care, stay safe!

  17. Rose says:

    As usual, I am amazed at how you always manage to get your pups to sit still under the tree. Nice to see that everyone is still healthy and take care over the holidays. Remember everyone, a little distance now will bring us closer together sooner.

    • Rose, we glue him to the floor. No, I’m just kidding. My daughter waves mini dog treats around and tries to snap a photo before he goes totally insane.
      That was good advice you gave us “a little distance now will bring us closer together sooner.” I wish more Albertans would heed it.
      Have a great Christmas. Talk to you soon.

  18. Leila Keith says:

    Happy Christmas 🎄 to you and yours Susan.
    Sincerely, Leila Keith

  19. RJ Pisko says:

    Merry Christmas to you and yours too Susan – from me and my 3 rescue pups and 2 rescue kitties!

  20. Oh RJ, your comment warmed my heart. Your 3 rescue pups and 2 rescue kitties are very fortunate. Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful four-legged clan!

  21. GoinFawr says:

    Merry Christmas all and best wishes to you and yours Susan!

  22. GoinFawr: what an adorable little dog! What’s his/her/their name? Have a wonderful Christmas and we’ll chat in the new year!.

    • GoinFawr says:

      Fizzgig (hat tip to “The Dark Crystal”) is her full name, but we usually just call her Fizzy… and she most certainly is!

  23. Bohemian says:

    Well, at least I know I’m not the only one that got Plumper during Pandemic Lockdown extended stay! *whew*

    • Bohemian, “plumper” is one way to put it! First it was the pandemic lockdown, then it was Christmas with all those Christmas cookies and chocolate. I’ve developed some bad habits that I’ll have to kick with some well timed New Years resolutions.
      All the best to you in the new year!

  24. Erin says:

    Merry Christmas, Susan! Thank you for all you do to shine a light!

  25. Carlos says:

    Christmas is gone and the reality of the coming new year is 500 people died this month thanks to the morons in this government. They can try to spin it as much as they want but this will be their badge of honor and those that support this ideocracy better start thinking twice about what they are doing
    Happy New Year UCPs

  26. Carlos, one really has to wonder where Kenney is going to go from here. He promised to fix the economy and watched it tank when global oil prices plummetted, then he went after the doctors and the teachers just as covid struck. The economy is in tatters, people are reeling from how poorly he’s managed covid, and he still doesn’t appear to have a sensible vaccine rollout plan. He says one thing one day and something completely different the next. No wonder his approval rating is at 30%.

    • Carlos says:

      You are absolutely right Susan but I will let fireworks out when his approval rating reaches 10% and is kicked out by his party which will brake apart after that.
      That is a celebration because they do not deserve any better than that.
      What a disaster it all is and we should say this over and over so that his supporters wake up

    • janewestman says:

      This premier is an accelerating liability!! He has a mistaken idea re the power of government and the power of his office. The power of the virus does not seem to count and it is unconscionable the way he bullies the doctors, scientists, and health professionals!
      Best wishes to you for 2021 and beyond! You are invaluable to us Albertans that need well informed, dependable advocacy for ethical resource allocation and strength in protection of our way of life!

      • Carlos says:

        It never ends – the disaster is impossible to describe.
        8 MLAs were already caught but I am sure there are more, we just have to wait.

        Even the fascist Sun newspaper has the title ‘Fly UCP’

        The premier as usual came out with the same slogan. They respected the law but their lack of personal responsibility, their lack of ethics and morals, well they do not have any and that is fine because Jason Kenney does not have any either. They just special and have their own rules as usual.

        PLEASE RESIGN and let someone with minimum standards manage our affairs.
        We are not expecting much from our politicians anymore but even BY YOUR EVANGELICAL standards this is horrible to put up with.

        JASON KENNEY please do something good in your life and RESIGN and take the rest of YOUR GOONS with you please.

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